External Communications Policy


External Communications Policy

  • Your privacy is extremely important to us. We take several steps to protect your personal information, including the ways in which BusinessBeat24 team members communicate with you.

BusinessBeat24 team members will only communicate with you about topics related to your membership through the channels listed below or for reasons detailed in our Privacy Policy.

Our official BusinessBeat24 channels include:

    • Messages or posts through the BusinessBeat24 digital platform and mobile app.
    • Email from a verified businessbeat24.com email address:
      • Our main member support email address is experience@ businessbeat24.com
      • We will only request payment for membership via an email from membership@businessbeat24.com and billing@ businessbeat24.com. We may send you reminders about your account and payments via text message, however, you will never be asked to share payment information through these channels.
    • Phone calls and SMS text messages to facilitate with scheduling, account, and support issues.
      • All SMS text messages will identify themselves as associated with BuinessBeat24 and include an Opt Out message.

BUSINESSBEAT24 Social Media Policy:

BusinessBeat24 team members may be present in external communication groups, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, or groups on other platforms. Any opinions or statements made by these team members are their own and not those of BusinessBeat24 as a company. BusinessBeat24 will not participate in the moderation process or operations of any third-party social media communication group.

If you believe someone is impersonating a BusinessBeat24 employee on any platform, or require assistance in validating communication from BusinessBeat24, please email details to phishing@businessbeat24.com. We also strongly encourage removing and/or blocking any suspected impersonator from any platform where they are present and ensuring that their contact information is not saved in your contacts.

Our Privacy Policy is located at https://businessbeat24.com/privacy.