In a world where lighting not only serves functional purposes but also enhances ambiance and aesthetics, Dappy Global stands out as a trailblazer in Zimbabwe’s construction and lighting industries. Specializing in chandeliers, pendants, panel lights, and other sophisticated lighting solutions, Dappy Global has become a force to reckon with as they position themselves to capitalize on the housing development boom the country is seeing, especially with the rise of major projects like the upcoming Cyber City in Mount Hampden.
From Chemical Engineering to Lighting: A journey littered with failures
Tapiwa Sithole, the brains behind Dappy Global is not just business-savvy but he is also a technically proficient engineer having graduated from the National University of Science and Technology with a degree in Chemical Engineering. Just like most Zimbabwean graduates, he has had to carve out his own path in the face of a lack of employment opportunities. Rather than wait for opportunities he had to find ways of leveraging his education and experience in industries such as mining and the informal sector to launch Dappy Global Lighting Solutions.
After finishing his degree program at NUST, Tapiwa Sithole got employed by Mimosa Mine in Zvishavane, a large platinum producer in Zimbabwe. He loved his job, but he had always been an entrepreneur at heart. With the salary he was earning he decided to secure a claim in Kadoma and start a gold mining venture. However, he would not last in the mining business. The informal nature of small-scale mining did not appeal to him as he wanted to run a formalized business where he could set systems and lay the groundwork for expansion. He did not see how that was possible with the mining venture and as fate would have it he suffered losses that pushed him to fold the business while it was still in its infancy. But did not give up. Tapiwa is a serial entrepreneur. He had had his brush with failure several times before. While in college Tapiwa started a phone retailing outfit in Bulawayo that grew to three branches while he was still a chemical engineering student. He had also previously dabbled in the cement business after trying to capitalize on a shortage that was experienced after Lafarge, the then largest producer of cement in the country had suffered equipment failure that affected its production capacity. This too was short-lived as the gamble he had taken failed to pay off after Lafarge started production soon after he had bought six hundred bags thus driving cement prices way below his acquisition costs.
His employment at Mimosa was short-lived as he left to go to South Africa to further his education by studying for a Masters in Engineering at Wits University, with the hope of getting employed in South Africa after finishing his studies, but this was not to be so. Tapiwa had a brush with the ugly side of the crime-infested streets of Johannesburg several times during that time, and he decided to come back home after completing his studies. This was to be one of his most challenging times. He got a job at a local University as a lecturer but the salary was not enough to cover his expenses and he had to figure out ways of supplementing his income.
It was at that time that he started commodity trading. Tapiwa would import rice and other grains from Mozambique to supply the local market and also to export to South Africa and Zambia sometimes. While doing that he heard of a lucrative trade to supply bananas to Dubai and soon enough he was planning his first shipment that was to go through South Africa before being shipped to Dubai. He used the savings he had from the previous trades that he had done but that was to be the last trade he made. He lost that shipment and recovering from that loss was tough.
The light at the end of the tunnel
After all these businesses had failed, Tapiwa licked his wounds and decided to start again. Armed with a pen and paper he sat down and started writing ideas down. In doing this he did a thorough analysis of the business trajectory the country was on until he zeroed in on the construction sector. The reason for this was the widely reported property deficit that the country was facing and the prospects of growth were attractive to him. He started looking at the gaps in the sector until he saw one in the supply of high-quality and luxury lighting solutions.
It was in those moments of quiet reflection and deep thought that the idea for Dappy Global began to take shape. Tapiwa wanted Dappy Global to be more than just another business. It was supposed to be a vehicle for creating opportunities for others, particularly Zimbabwean youths facing hardships due to a lack of employment opportunities in the country. Drawing on his experiences in mining, Tapiwa envisioned a business that would capture the local market while at the same time tackling some of Zimbabwe’s larger developmental issues.
This idea was born out of a desire to help other young people and contribute to the development agenda of the country. Nowadays employment is difficult, I said I had to leverage the skills that I got from the university and industries I had worked in.
Humble beginnings at Eastgate Market
Like many successful businesses, Dappy Global started small. The company’s initial location was in Eastgate Market, Harare. However, as their business grew the space they had could no longer satisfy the needs of their business. They rented a tiny booth that made it difficult for them to display their products properly. The cramped conditions made it difficult for Dappy Global to showcase its lighting products properly, leading to early struggles.
I started in town at Eastgate market in Harare, those small booths made business difficult coz they were very small to display our lights, we were selling in boxes and some customers were not happy about it. We were advertising using pictures, but people need to see what they are buying to believe in the quality you are offering and the pictures were not convincing enough.
In a bid to solve this challenge, Dappy Global relocated to the Long Cheng Plaza, where they found a more spacious environment to display their lights. The move proved crucial, allowing them to make significant strides. Since the move to Long Cheng, Dappy Global has left its mark on numerous Zimbabwean cities as they have done installations and supply in all the major towns and cities in the country. Room 213, formerly Woods, was one of the company’s early success stories, with Dappy Global handling their lighting installations.
One of the key messages the founder shares is that one’s domain should not limit them. With a background in chemical engineering Tapiwa is making an impact in a completely different engineering field. This mindset has allowed Dappy Global to expand its offerings and expertise, becoming a versatile player in the lighting sector. The company’s reach extends far beyond retail as they offer installation services, ensuring every client receives quality lighting that’s both beautiful and energy-efficient. They are focused on saving energy and ensure that all their products are using LED lights which are more energy efficient.
I did chemical engineering, not electrical, but I can also install lighting. Engineering is about interfacing with different disciplines and I will not let my background, whether professional or otherwise, limit me.
Lighting the Path: A Vision for Zimbabwe
At the heart of Dappy Global’s mission is a desire to ensure Zimbabwe catches up with global trends in lighting technology. Tapiwa’s dream is for someone in Zvishavane, a small town in Zimbabwe, to have access to the same quality lighting as someone in London.
God said, ‘Let there be light,’ because light beautifies spaces and brings comfort. Lighting is not just a necessity as it creates mood and ambiance, elevating the atmosphere of restaurants, homes, and public spaces alike.
What sets Tapiwa apart is his unwavering commitment to quality. As an engineer, he has instilled a culture of precision and reliability in the company. To date, they have never had any customer complaints about the quality of their products. He attributed this to their adherence to quality management systems and his engineering background, ensuring that all products meet the highest standards.
The Future is bright: New showroom and expansion plans
As Dappy Global Lighting Solutions has now opened a new and larger showroom to cater to a growing customer base with diverse tastes, Tapiwa’s attachment to their first shop shows a founder who is focused on preserving institutional memory. Their zeal as they worked on the new space and the excitement that shone in their demeanor showed a team that is grateful for how far they have come and excited to meet the demands of their customers at scale. Together, with the new showroom, Dappy Global has also launched their own range of electrical accessories. True to Tapiwa’s words they are on a mission to bring light and elegance to every space in this country.